Hard to believe it, but we're already at our last CSA pickup for the year. In your share this week:
Delicata squash
Pie pumpkin
Soup pumpkin
Butternut squash
red and yellow onions
green peppers
green and purple beans
slicing radishes, daikon radish
Herbs: basil, lemon basil, thai basil, thyme, savory, dill umbels,
flowers: gomphrena and celosia
A few notes about winter squash. Winter squash will keep in a warm, dry place for 3-5 months. The best way to store it is in the pantry or on the countertop-- if you're in for the long haul, most winter squash is stored by letting it "cure" in the sun to let the skin thicken up, increasing its longevity.
If you notice any spots or wounds on the squash, trim those away, store the good parts in the fridge, and eat them first. Only try to store unblemished fruits, as the saying goes: "one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel."
Another technique is to wipe down squash with a very mild bleach solution if you're planning to store and eat pumpkins/squash later on in the year.
It has been a pleasure growing produce for you this year, and I hope that you have been pleased with your share. I will be emailing around a survey in the coming week; if you happen to have a free minute and could respond and return it to me, via email or in hard copy, I'd appreciate it very much. Your feedback is important to me and it really helps the business to grow-- this is always a work in progress. Thanks kindly in advance. Happy Fall!
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