The latest update from the farm: Summer is here! The hayfield is head high, bobolinks and redwing blackbirds keep me company in the fields with summer trills, winter rye is heading up, the potatoes have sprouted, and the garden's on the go...
Jim helped mow and I tilled in the winter's cover crop last week-- almost all the field is prepped and ready for upcoming cucurbit transplants later this week.Under the reemay: red and yellow onions and shallots; green, purple and pole beans; successions of lettuce (head and leaf), mustard greens, arugula, radish, carrot, fennel, dill, and some direct-seeded flowers
Sugar snap and snow peas happily climbing the trellises, in the foreground: turnips, beets and cilantro
Looking down the trellises... 120 bed feet of peas-- already knee high. Flowers should be coming in the next week or so.
Garlic (below the pea trellises, south side of the field) mulched with this year's winter rye stalks-- five varieties. I look forward to some taste testing!
Elephant garlic... I cannot WAIT for these to come on. Prepare yourself for mild garlic cloves (toes) the size of figs. Hooray!!
Other garden news-- the few garlic plants up around the little house already have scapes-- almost a month early. I harvested the first garden flowers, too-- lupine, lady's mantle, mint, and a few spare astrantia. With the erratic spring weather, we are strangely ahead and behind in different ways. Inside (up the hill in S. Londonderry,) I've got 3500+ seedlings, many of which are new-to-me flower varieties for Katie and Rob (lisianthus, craspedia, balloon flower, and more.)
In other news, we got in a quick but great visit to brother Brad and sister-in-law Jen's new house (lots of mud, caulk, and primer) in Boston. Most importantly, we got to meet the newest Osterhout, Miss Emma Bryn. At two months she's a tiny peanut, but sweet as ever. And, you can already tell she's got the workings of a discerning, prize-winning palate a la Osterhout!
CSA is on and I'm looking forward to growing food for you as always. We're looking to an estimated start date of Thursday, June 21st (with a slim chance we may have to wait one more week), and I'll finalize that with you CSA members this week. Can't wait! Thanks for visiting.