Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Green Peak Farm CSA Info 2012

Hello, friends!

I hope this finds you and your families well. With the weather getting warmer, Green Peak Farm is gearing up for spring. Attached, you'll find information about this year's Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) venture. You'll notice that the overall price of a share this year is lower this year at $300; however, share cost is increasing on a per-weekly basis.

As such, please note the following changes to the CSA this year:

- CSA shares will NOT include meat chickens as they have in years past.

- While your weekly CSA share will still have a good variety of different types of produce, I'll be focusing in on fewer crops this year. Portion sizes will be larger, with somewhat fewer types of vegetables per week.

- Half shares are available for $200.

I look forward to hearing back from you about your interest in the farm. If you'd prefer not to return to CSA this year, or if you simply didn't get around to it last fall, I'd love to hear your feedback about last season's CSA in an anonymous survey here. I deeply value your feedback-- thanks for providing the opportunity keep making CSA at Green Peak Farm better.

Please submit your registration form and payment by May 1st. As with last year, early registration (by April 1st) will save $20. Thanks, as always!

In closing, here's "Mud Season" by Jane Kenyon.

Here in purgatory bare ground
is visible, except in shady places
where snow prevails.

Still, each day sees
the restoration of another animal:
a sparrow, just now a sleepy wasp;
and, at twilight, the skunk
pokes out of the den,
anxious for mates and meals....

On the floor of the woodshed
the coldest imaginable ooze.
and soon the first shoots
of asparagus will rise,
the fingers of Lazarus....

Earth's open wounds-- where the plow
gouged the ground last November--
must be smoothed; some sown
with seed, and all forgotten.

Now the nuthatch spurns the suet,
resuming its diet of flies, and the mesh
bag, limp and greasy, might be taken

Beside the porch step
the crocus prepares an exaltation
of purple, but for the moment
holds its tongue....

For more information and a printable .pdf registration form head to http://www.greenpeakfarm.com/Home/first-flight-community-supported-agriculture.

Happy Spring!


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