Friday, June 24, 2011

Countdown to CSA Week 1

So exciting! Just in case you can't wait till next week, here are some photo updates from the farm. Rachel rocking the pea harvest, as Burt the Opportunist Pea Thief lurks in the background
Snow peas and sugar snaps-- that chartreuse line at the foot of the snow peas on the left is a row of lettuce that's loving the cool, wet shade of the peas. Cilantro is under the snaps (row to the right.)
Due south
Summer squash-- Costata Romanesco speckled zucchini, Sunburst pattypan, and Yellow Crookneck-- are right on the cusp... One sunny day will get us some fruit!
Snaps coming on strong... Recipes, anyone?

Second set of chicks at 2.5 weeks weathering the cold well in new feather coats...
First set of chicks at 4.5 weeks... Getting big, and huddling in close for warmth in these colder temps. Solstice? What solistice?
The new duplex, as Jim put it, houses the second set of chicks. 50 all told!

We'll see everyone Tuesday or Thursday for our first week of pickups-- can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. My Gawd, those birds are ugly! The plants look fabulously healthy, though! Can't wait for our first share. See you Monday for strawberries. Koala wants to make jam.
