Okay, small but loyal Green Peak Farm readership-- the blog updates are back!
As most folks know, Green Peak Farm is on indefinite hiatus as a farm operation, as many wonderful life changes have happened (marriage, relocating to Middlebury, and heading back to school-- as a student!) But, the small-scale growing continues at an even smaller scale in Middlebury, and the mental garden also continues to expand and be cultivated in New Haven.
Flower growing is on hold, but I hope to keep arranging and using local flowers this summer. Here are a few more work shots from August with flowers from GPF, 3 generations of Brakeleys, and
Elmer Farm. I'm compelled to post these equally because I just love the flowers, I adore and can't help but share the photography of two awesome Vermont pros,
Jesse Schloff and
Heather Dahle, and because Liz and Wil are one heck of a handsome couple.
(photo credit Heather Dahle)
(photo credit Heather Dahle)
(photo credit Heather Dahle)
(photo credit Heather Dahle)
From Liz and Wil's big day
(photo credit Jesse Schloff)
(photo credit Jesse Schloff)
(photo credit Jesse Schloff)
My favorite model!
(photo credit Jesse Schloff)
(photo credit Jesse Schloff)
(photo credit Jesse Schloff)
(photo credit Jesse Schloff)
(photo credit Jesse Schloff)
The gorgeous couple-- Congratulations, Wil and Liz!
While I would not recommend to most folks that they grow, harvest, and then arrange their own wedding flowers, it was a pretty amazing to walk down the aisle this summer to meet the man I love with a special bouquet in hand. Mine was made entirely of flowers that I started as seedlings in March or harvested from friends' farms or three generations of family gardens, and was wrapped in part of my mom's veil and a hanky embroidered by my great, great grandmother. So many factors go into making a wedding special, textured, and nuanced. What fun!